Last week I wrote a post about 2 different types of men that ruffled some feathers (if you missed it, you can read it here).
While 90% of the email replies I received were from men that accepted the mission and were AMPED about the commitment to be a Total Man, there were another 10% or so that were quite negative.
Like this one:
“So if you’re not ‘crushing it’ in every area of your life, you’re a loser. Yea, great advice. Unsubscribing was the best suggestion in this email”
I actually chuckled a bit when I read this because what’s the alternative?
Do you really want a world full of one-dimensional men?
Should a man not strive to:
Build a business and career that supports himself and his family financially while creating a positive change in the world.
Take care of himself physically so he can be healthy, fit, athletic, and enjoy his life
Foster a deep, meaningful, intimate, connected relationship with his wife and kids
Have a brotherhood of elite men in his life to support him, challenge him and have fun with
Have a spiritual practice that allows him to be connected and aligned with his path, purpose, and vision for his life
I cannot understand how ANYONE would say no to that.
This is the mission. That is the light at the end of the tunnel that we as men should be working towards every single day.
Note how I haven’t mandated the DEGREE of the outcome.
I’m not saying that you have to make millions to check the business and finance box.
That’s totally up to you having enough self-awareness to define what success in that domain means for you and your family.
Honestly, I think that striving for anything less than the Total Man outcome is cowardly.
It’s settling. It’s not holding yourself to a high enough standard in life. It’s rolling over and accepting mediocrity because you prefer comfort over growth.
So in my mind, the question is not whether the Total Man outcome is worth chasing.
The question is how?
How do you build and structure your life in a way to NOT become a one-dimensional loser?
Well, I believe the answer is to have an operating system for your life.
Much like a computer is made up of hardware and software, I believe you need better software.
The hardware is already there - it’s you, your body, your brain, and your physiology.
What you need is the correct software and operating system.
And I built Silverback specifically for that purpose - to be an operating system that empowers modern-day entrepreneur/executive dads to build a business, body, marriage, family, and life that all work at the highest level.
Next week I’ll be sharing more about Silverback with you, but today, I want to give you some insight into this operating system and what I think it looks like.
It’s short (less than 10 minutes) and in it, you’ll discover what I believe are the top 2 reasons most dads struggle to ever become the Total Man.
Give it a watch below and then hit reply and let me know your thoughts.
P.S. I’m taking on a fresh batch of men into Silverback next month. If you’d like to get a head start, hit reply with the word “Silverback” and I’ll get you the details on how the program works.
Great stuff, James. Well thought out and supported. This is exactly what I attempt to teach my HS athletes. You must live by a code. Not choosing a code to live by is still choosing one. Keep up the great work!