I’d like for you to meet Steve.
Steve is like many men these days…
He rolls out of bed at the sound of his alarm and slumbers over to the shower feeling the pain in his back, knees and hips.
When he gets out of the shower and looks at himself butt-ass naked in the mirror he’s embarrassed by the soft, fat, out-of-shape body he sees. A body that he knows doesn’t turn his wife on, inspire his kids or fill him with confidence and power.
He continues his morning routine like a zombie until he gets to the Starbucks drive-through to slurp down his cream and sugar-loaded coffee. Eagerly awaiting that quick hit of caffeine and sugar to make him feel a bit more alive.
He makes it to work only to find that he’s yet again tired 2 hours later and has to go back to the caffeine and sugar for a quick lift.
His co-worker John swings by his desk in the afternoon and invites him on a gnarly hike over the weekend with some of the guys, but Steve declines because he doesn’t think he’ll be able to make it up the mountain…he decides to play another round of golf instead.
On his commute home from work, he worries about what his life will be like in 10, 20 and 30 years:
When is he going to get the call from the doctor that he has diabetes? Or cardiovascular disease? Or Alzheimers and dementia?
What’s going to happen to his kids? Are they going to follow his poor example? What kind of legacy is he leaving?
Will he be able to play with his grandchildren? Heck, will he even see his grandchildren?
Will he be able to travel the world with his queen? Will he get his sex drive back or continue to feel impotent?
You see…
Steve has become a slave to his body's cravings and addictions. He wakes up each day and gets led around like a bull with a nose ring.
Because he’s fat and out of shape he’s a liability to his health, a liability to his family, and a poor role model to his kids, employees and co-workers.
The point I’m making is simple - you have to decide where you stand when it comes to your body.
Do you view it as a WEAPON to empower you to be more, do more and suck less? Or do you view it as an OBSTACLE that continues to get in your way?
Is your body a TOOL that allows you to produce more in your life? Or is it a LIABILITY constantly holding you back from living up to your true potential?
Does your body fill you with unshakeable confidence and power? Or does it deflate you like a flat tire?
Because I have news for you - your body is the only thing going with you through the entire game of life. THE ONLY THING. From now until you end up 6 feet under your body is coming with you.
There is literally nothing you can do in this life without your body tagging along…
This is why your body is the first domino because anything you want in life must flow through your body.
Simply put - your body is the gateway drug to a better life and you must realize the energy you experience on a day-to-day basis is EVERYTHING. You either have energy or you don’t. And all that energy is generated first inside your body.
🦍 Becoming the Everyday Warrior
Inside Silverback we have the motto to be an everyday warrior.
The everyday warrior is a man that has a:
Battle-ready body ready to conquer whatever life throws at it today and 30 years from today.
A strong, lean, muscular, fit, athletic and well-conditioned body.
A body that is flexible and limber
A body that inspires his children to follow his example
A body that turns on his wife and makes her desire his touch
A body that fills him with power, confidence, clarity, courage and creativity
A body that maintains high levels of energy, enthusiasm, and positivity throughout the day so he can LEAD
This body/everyday warrior conversation really comes down to 3 things:
Your training
Your fueling
Your movement
In Silverback, we have protocols in place for each of these as part of the Game of Power and you get points daily for doing the work.
I can’t get into each of those in depth in this post but I do want to give you a simple training program to follow to move you in the right direction.
This program won’t turn you into the world champion of exercising, but it will, when executed consistently, move you rapidly toward building the body of an everyday warrior.
Here’s how to do it…
Monday - on Monday you are going to lift HEAVY and get strong. Pick 2-3 big exercises (think squat, bench, deadlift and/or chin up) and do them for anywhere from 2-6 reps. The Estimated Daily Max protocol I discussed in this post is a great option here.
Tuesday - on Tuesday you are going to do low-intensity cardio (bike, run, row, ruck, etc.) for 30-60 minutes keeping your heart rate between 110-145 BPM.
Wednesday - on Wednesday you are going to do athletic shit. Sprint, jump, throw. Really whatever goes as long as it’s fast and powerful. If you need more direction, refer to this post I wrote on becoming more powerful and athletic.
Thursday - on Thursday you are going to do low-intensity cardio (bike, run, row, ruck, etc.) for 30-60 minutes keeping your heart rate between 110-145 BPM.
Friday - On Friday you are going to do a full body pump and get jacked using these three tri-sets:
Triset 1: squat + horizontal upper push + horizontal upper pull (10-12 reps of each)
Triset 2: hinge + vertical upper pull + vertical upper push (10-12 reps of each)
Triset 3: bicep + tricep + delt (12-15 reps of each)
Saturday - On Saturday you are going to do high-intensity cardio. Pick your modality of choice (bike, run, row, etc) and see how far you can go in 15 minutes. I’m talking ALL OUT.
Give that a go for 4 weeks, then report back with your progress.
Let’s dominate.
P.S. I know that training program is overly simplistic, but I’ve been amazed at how well it works even for well-trained humans (including myself).
P.P.S. Inside Silverback you get my Everyday Warrior Training Program™. It’s a science-backed, battle-tested, professionally designed 12-week training program that lays it all out for you every day like clockwork. It makes building a strong, muscular, fit, athletic body as easy as following a GPS in your car. If you’d like to check it out, hit reply to this email with “Silverback” and I’ll get you all the details.